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* Standard profile


*This company has only Standard profile.
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P.R.E.S.C.O. Sp. z o.o.

[Poland]Economic Research

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Within the scope of its service P.R.E.S.C.O. performs a number of activities, collecting data about a given business entity. The information collected undergo evaluation and verification, and the result of this process is transmitted in the form of a legible report. Optionally, financial risk is evaluated (scoring, rating). It is also possible to perform other actions towards the controlled entity (e.g. collecting photocopy documentation) according to Customer’s wish.
The realization term is 2 – 5 working days and may concern foreign parties.
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Price:Ask for price


Related products: Business services ->Finance -> Debt Collection & Trade


P.R.E.S.C.O. Sp. z o.o.

Street:Barkocińska 6
Postal code:03-543
Phone: +48 67 3520000
Fax: +48 67 3520048

Contact person

Name and Surname: Sławomir Flis
Phone: +48 67 3520083
Mobile: +48 691985413
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